Saturday, August 4, 2007

I made it in! I'm going back to school this fall, and am actually very excited about this because lately, I've been feeling at a loss of things to do. I can't wait to get fresh notebooks, pens, and to go shopping for "school clothes". It's like being a kid all over again.

This prim and perfect closet inspired me to redo my own. It's looking very good, though I'm not quite finished yet. Yesterday, my extreme organizing session caused me to purge heaps of clothes that weren't ever going to be worn again, along with other accessories like belts and such. One garage sale coming up!


Artifax said...

I'd love a closet that looked like this! :)

How exciting to go back to school! Best of luck!!

BellaColle said...

Hurray! Hurray! That is soo awesome for you!!! I'm jealous of you having closest! lol! I only have two in my whole house :(
(check my two posts out for today...wink wink)

BellaColle said...

I hope you know I meant for you going back to school! Hurray!

beki said...

Congrats! Have fun going back to school!!