Thursday, July 12, 2007

Less Vs. More

Years ago, when my husband and I were newly weds, we lived in a 700 square foot apartment. It was cramped, but high on style, high on cozy, and we were so very happy there. We talked a lot about the kind of life that we could build together, as we still do.

At the time, one of our big ideas was that less was more. We talked about how most people buy more house than they need and end up paying a massive mortgage when they could otherwise be using their money for more profitable endeavors. One day, we vowed, we'd build and live in a micro home.

Now, I know you are probably thinking that we had some pretty crazy notions, and that our new love for one another was seriously getting to our heads. Well, we still think it's a valid idea, and maybe one day we'll down size. These photos were all taken from the HGTV website. All of these homes are 900 square feet or less. It just goes to show that you can do a whole lot with just a little space.

In a lot of cases, I think that small homes are cozier, more friendly, and inviting. Since there is a shortage on square footage, it forces one to pair down possessions and to really think about what one's money is spent on. I mean, do you really need one more comforter set when you already have 2 and only one bed?


BellaColle said...

I guess it's not how big you have it... just how you use what you have! We could do alot better with the organization at my house that's for sure. Thanks for the reminder.

Anonymous said...

The first house my husband and I lived in (23 years ago!) was a little 900 sq ft thing. Two bedrooms, tiny bath. I loved that house for the reason you speak of -- cozy. And anyone who came over commented about it's coziness. I love our big house now but deep down, I miss our first nest. :-)

Monica Yvette said...

Michelle, thanks for your comment. We still have fond memories of our little apt. too. A nest truly is the perfect description for a cozy little space.

Artifax said...

I'm with you on the small quality spaces vs. big quantity square footage. Whatever size house you have, people always seem to keep buying stuff and fill it until it is full. I love having a small house, well organized, filled only with things I (and my family) love. And I like not spending half my life dedicated to cleaning and maintaining a huge house and garden :)