Friday, May 18, 2007

Studio Friday! : 3 Wishes

Etsy: Your place to buy & sell all things handmade

If you had a magic wand what 3 creative issues would you solve? Maybe they are space issues that you are experiencing in your studio or issues about creating itself?

Three wishes. This is a great topic! Okay, for my first wish:

1.I would love, love, love it if I could start getting sales on my Etsy site.
I have had it for half a year now, but I didn't get serious about it until just recently. When I first opened the shop, I was selling my jewelry at work faster than I could replenish my supply. Now, that I'm working in a different environment things have changed. Isn't it ironic that I work in a jewelry store now, and my jewelry sales are at a crawl?

2. I would love to have the time to dabble in all kinds of crafts and hobbies. I have a feeling this might be a common theme among all of us, time.

3. This doesn't have anything to do with the studio, but I wish that every day in Louisiana was like it is today. The weather has been absolutely perfect at around 75 degrees. I opened my windows this morning, turned the a.c. off, and breathed in the cool natural air. Aaahh! It just set my morning off right, you know?

Have a happy weekend, everyone!


Marcia said...

hi Yvette, I hear once you start getting a little success it just keeps snowballing. Hope you have that experience.

We have had two nice days here in North Texas, also. I had to pull out a blanket a couple of nights back. It makes for wonderful walks in the morning.

Monica Yvette said...

Thanks for the encouragement Fifi Lepew. I've been waiting for that first sale because I believe the snowball effect will happen too.

Artifax said...

Sales are good! I've heard that it can take a little time for people to discover you on Etsy. It will happen! Your jewelry is lovely!