Monday, May 14, 2007


Hi, everyone. I hope that anyone who is a mother, or who has a mother had a good Mother's Day. Phew! That was a bit redundant wasn't it? Oh, well. At least I got my point across.

Lately, I've been completely overtaken with the desire to promote, promote, promote my jewelry. So, no wonder it's been a couple days since I last blogged here. I've barely wanted to get out of the office chair, I've been so glued to the computer reading about places to get the word out, how to go about it, and such. The Etsy forums are priceless. Speaking of Etsy, the photo above shows Etsy ads, so at least I know they know how to get their own word out. I've also spent my time taking a lot of photos of the new jewelry with the cloud dome. More to come very soon too. See the latest at:

On a completely different note, Trey and I went to visit his parents yesterday. His Dad is a meteorite hunter who has found hundreds of pounds of space rock in Kansas. Coincidentally, he found them all right outside of Greensburg, Ka. where the mile wide tornado struck and demolished everything in its path., and is also the town he used to stay in during his time away from home. Just days after it happened, he traveled to the area where he shot video footage driving down the town's main drag. Building, after building for the duration of the video were all reduced to rubble. Trees were stripped of their limbs and in some cases, the bark had been ripped off. It was terrible, yet amazing to see just what nature can do when she wants to.

Sorry for the down note. There's not much else to tell, but you can marvel at the space rock in the photo above. It looks relatively small, but this baby weighs at least 50 pounds! I literally had to drag it to the window to get a good shot of it.


Heather said...

That's cool! I'll have toshow my DH this pic. He loves anything to do with meteors and space. I guess thats why he's such a big Smallville fan!!!

Monica Yvette said...

Trey and I are big Smallville fans too! I know it's kinda dorky, but we can't help that.

BellaColle said...

Hey! Smallville is awsome.
I just wanted to share a link to a site that might help in your quest....
let me know if you get it.
I want to promote, I think I need to work on refining (sp)? my niche...You on the other hand rock!
here is the link