Monday, March 19, 2007

Tiny Plans

I have been obsessed for the past few days over the thought of a tiny cottage like workshop in the back yard. A few days ago, I found the perfect web site, then promptly forgot how I got there, and most importantly what the URL was. I searched for it for at least an hour using all of the key words I could think of. No luck, but I did find this extremely odd specimen (above). It turns out that this strange dream of a house is in Eureka Springs, Ark., just a stones throw away from my neck of the woods. Isn't that so country of me to say?

Since I am having such a tough time finding any cute little cottage workshop plans, I guess I'll just have to design it myself. As it turns out, my Mom, who happens to be my next door neighbor, has been dreaming of her own little cottage at the foot of the yard. Her idea is to have a jacuzzi with a path straight to the little spa house of her dreams. Lucky for me, she invited me to share in the experience. We will be working on combining our dreams to make a space that is suitable for both of us. We are both very excited about our plans. I am especially because I get to make all the decorating decisions. Yippee!

If any of you have any idea where to find cute little workshop plans on the net or otherwise, please let me know.

1 comment:

susan said...

And if you find it can you let me know too? That is adorable!!