Tuesday, July 10, 2007

7 Random Facts

New Orleans artist unknown

I've been tagged! I feel like I should now be running around the edge of the front yard chasing and pummeling the random walkers who come by every day whilst I shriek, "Tag, you're it!".

The Rules:
Start with 7 random facts/habits about yourself. People who are tagged need to then report this on their own blog with their 7 things as well as these rules. They then need to tag 7 others and list their names on their blog. They are also asked to leave a comment for each of the tagged, letting them know they have been tagged and to read the blog.

1. I don't own one pair of solid white socks. Not one. They are all funky colors and patterns, and I wear them way up to my knees.

2. I like to take long drives by myself so I can sing my favorite songs at the top of my lungs, all the while pretending that I'm really a rock star.

3. I used to be obsessed with the idea of circus side show "freaks" like the contortionists and the fire breathers.

4. Some of the careers that I've considered have been..(are you ready for this?) actor, musician, writer, artist, fashion magazine editor, fashion stylist, fashion designer, interior designer, psychiatrist, college professor, linguist...and I'm sure there's more. Whew!

5. For 7 years I wanted a male Boston Terrier, whom I'd name Mr. McDoogal, so I could dress him in plaid, argyle, and little spiked collars. Finally, I got my Boston Terrier Lulu (female). The farting, burping, bug eyed, smelly baby girl that you see at the top right of this blog. Awww! Right?

6. Currently, I'm obsessed with the idea of getting my nose pierced with just a little dainty stud. I have no way of justifying this to anyone who would be shocked and dismayed by this except for, "What?, Indian women do it to ease the pain of childbirth. I might get pregnant one day. Shrugs".

7. I am presently the recipient of 15 free magazines that I got through my father in law's unused Delta Sky Miles. Yes, I said 15. A bit extreme, you say? Never.

Complete Geek

Check him out! This blog is so funny, and it's not just because he's my hubby.
I'll let the rest of my friends off the hook this time, but next time it's "Tag, you're it!"


BellaColle said...

Wahoo! more interesting info..Hmmm...no white socks? I love plain white socks....
Is that your hubby's blog? Funny man!

beki said...

Hi! I just found your blog, so nice to learn a bit about you :)