Monday, May 7, 2007

Free Style

Hey, check it out! I actually started and finished a painting yesterday. This one is obviously less complicated than the stuff I'm used to doing, and I have to say, I really enjoyed it. You know how I said I'd lost the feeling of freedom and fun when I paint? Well, I think I got it back. This is a complete departure from my "style" of painting. It has inspired me to do more of the sort. I only wish that I could find time to do another one today. Sigh, but it's chores for me. So, I'm off to do them now.


BellaColle said...

Oh my gosh!! that is really cute... I really like the colors and maybe the 'jacks'. nice.

Monica Yvette said...

Thanks, they are jacks!

A Punkin Card Company said...

Awww! Thanks! You are completely (sp?) awesome and I can't wait to hang out again!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you showed it to me today. It is a great painting.