Friday, March 30, 2007

Studio Friday: Gluttony

What do you overindulge in during your days in your studio while creating? Food or drink? How bad is it and how bad is it for you? How are you planning on changing it?

We are all in this together, it seems. Coffee! is my overindulgence, oh, and black tea. I have a buffet of teas, and I strictly adhere to the Twinings of London brand. Supposedly, it's good for you in small quantities, but like anything done in excess, it's bad for you. I don't plan on quitting my habit. I'm not addicted. I swear! However, I do try to keep my intake down to at least 3 cups a day.

Today, while happily indulging in my deadly sin, I have worked in the studio to post more Yvette Designs eye candy to my Etsy store. Check it out y'all! More to come soon.


Anonymous said...

hehe, yes we are all in this together, us coffeelovers ;-)
Oh well, 3 cups of tea isn't all that bad is it? Otherwise I'd be in for that one, too...argh!
Lovely work space you have there and gorgeous china.
Do you have a second Biscotti??! ;-)

Unknown said...

I don't drink coffee but I love tea ;)

A pot of loose tea in a beautiful cup and saucer....jasmine tea is the best!!

Ouissi x

Sydney Harper said...

It's coffee for me too, although I tend to drink a cup or two or tea in the evenings in colder weather.

Anonymous said...

i am a coffelover too ! lovely jewelry !!

Anonymous said...

oops that showed up as anonymous !

A Punkin Card Company said...

I wasn't too sure about treasuries until I poked around a bit and figured them out!
And by the way!! LOVE coffee.. my hubby and myself want to own a coffee house one day...
it's big deam number 3!

A Punkin Card Company said...

I have been to mylos.. love their coffee. My favorite place is the corner coffeehouse in West Monroe, over by Hobby Lobby.. great coffee! I need to make some more cards, but alas, I haven't got my lazy bum off the couch all day!

Anonymous said...

mhhhh....thank you for the virtual biscotti, I love lemon! So yummy!!

susan said...

funny how we seem to have caffeine in one form or another as our sin!