Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dream, Dream, Dream

It's been a very rainy day. What to do, what to do? Daydream of course. Aside from my daily chores, I've been walking around in the dim lights of the house alone with my dogs and my reveries. Like, wouldn't it be nice if I could be there, in these photos, right now? I would love to have a picnic with a view like that. A few blank pages and some pencils would be nice too. Wouldn't it be nice to have a home studio with a gigantic picture window overlooking that blue mountain?

I've also decided, while reflecting, that it is completely necessary to have a workshop built in my back yard. The workshop of my imagination would be just for fine jewelry making where I'd be putting my daily lessons from the jewelry shop to use. With all the necessary filing, sanding, and polishing that goes on, the house would be covered in gold dust if I were to work in my home studio. I want the workshop to be a life sized doll house with a porch for me and my dogs to sit under when it's time for a break. I want vibrant colors like a turquoise work bench, hot pink chair, and chartreuse walls. Completely frivolous (or hideous depending on who you are), I know, but inspiring for me nonetheless. Ah, just look at that view.

1 comment:

A Punkin Card Company said...

Very nice blog. I looked at your picture and I know I have seen you before, but alas, I am not sure! Very nice things in your shop.